Monday, September 26, 2011

Baby's Blue

So I decided to start up a new blog hoping to share my new role as a stay at home dad. Honestly, I know there are many out there, but I really only know a friend from umpire school, Troy Solsa. Now to explain the name. Couple of reasons. One I'm going from professional umpire for minor league baseball to stay at home dad. Hence baby's "blue". Granted I am not at all a fan of the term blue. But I won't get on that here. Second I love looking into her baby blue eyes. Crazy that a kiddo of mine would have blue eyes. Boy Girl do I love them.

So I'll do a bit of a update on how things are going here. So far so good. We brought her home when she was two days old. Joie has been a great baby. At least I have been told that on several occasions. Granted I haven't been around one since I was 10. She eats good, sleeps well, and rarely fusses. Don't get me wrong. She fusses and I want to drop her and run at times but so far we have persevered. Momma is off to work most days, and we are at home. Cooking, cleaning and changing those diapers. Again so far so good. It's a huge adjustment. Not only are we now parents but also we now live in Texas. Where we are going through the worse drought in Texas history, and I've seen more days about 100 than not. I'll be sure to update on her progression. I'll post pics and what we are learning and doing.

For example. Stay @Home Dad Tip #1. If you forget to put an item on your shopping list but remember it on the way to the store. You WILL forget it again at the store.

Now ponder that one a bit.